Parking Info
The parking is free at the entrance to the market. General parking at Lighthouse Park is $1 for 30 minutes.
Why do we need a farmers' market in Mukilteo?
The City of Mukilteo is uniquely situated on the northwestern edge of mainland Washington State and serves as a corridor for people traveling north to Everett and beyond as well as to the San Juan Islands. However, this no-longer-small town of almost 20,000 residents has in itself much to offer, but these resources, these gifts residing within the people and place of Mukilteo, have not been given the recognition they deserve. The Mukilteo Farmers' Market is designed to bring together local food producers and consumers, neighbors and strangers, and give us a reason to re-introduce ourselves to each other and to Mukilteo. Before the Mukilteo Farmers' Market first opened in late July 2004, Mukilteans would have to drive all the way to Everett, Edmonds or Whidbey Island for farm-fresh produce or to a grocery store for food that is never as fresh and whose sources are never entirely known. The Mukilteo Farmers' Market provides us in Mukilteo with a reliable source of fresh food grown by people we can speak with face-to-face without having to leave town. We can all express our appreciation for the farmers that grow all the food we eat by buying it directly from them. This also gives us options in our diet, by providing seasonal, varied produce and information about the way the food was produced (with chemical fertilizers and/or hormones or organically, consciously without chemicals).